A fundamental choice for Critical Minerals development: "Fascism or radical democracy?"

The global demand for critical minerals like lithium and copper is surging, but how we attempt to quickly extract them, argues Katherine Teh , Executive Chairman of Spektrum Development , presents a fundamental choice: embrace authoritarian tactics that disregard communities or pursue transparent, consent-based development. In this pivotal moment, the stakes are high-ranging, from environmental destruction to lost economic potential. Which path should be chosen? Katherine Teh of Spektrum Development addressing the 2024 ACFID Conference WE ARE AT a crossroads in the energy transition. The gap between what the mining industry promises and what it delivers has been widening, creating not only delays but the potential for significant socio-economic and environmental risks. As the demand for critical minerals like copper, graphite, and lithium increases, we’re facing mounting challenges in securing these resources quickly enough to support the transition to renewable energy. The Problem...

Freeport Indonesia's 'franchise' CSR program

PT Freeport Indonesia, the largest mining company in Indonesia's Papua province, introduced social entrepreneurship for local businesses as a corporate social responsibility program in 2004. The franchise design was chosen for technical training and systemised marketing of micro, small and medium enterprises (PP-UMKM), Laurens Woda, PTFI's Program Section Head, told Info Franchise.

Its focus is on management and entrepreneurship with self-reliance being addressed on a daily basis. Training is given periodically mainly on subjects concerning business management and franchising.

In research and development, assistance is provided to identifying business opportunities and analysing feasibility studies for potential businesses under the UMKM program.

Loans or revolving funds are given to businesses which have adequate business plans but are not sufficiently qualified for bank loans.

”This also serves as an educational tool, namely to give instruction how to meet a bank’s terms and conditions and what to do when the terms and conditions have been met,” Woda said. Disbursing of the actual loans is carried out by Yayasan Bina Utama Mandiri, a foundation set up by PT Freeport Indonesia.

PFI's focus is the Papuan community living around the working in its contract area. This is in line with PT Freeport Indonesia’s CSR commitment. The criteria for citizens to qualify for assistance is having a business and residing in Mimika regency.

Franchises running well and growing are Roto-Rooter and OMI (Outlet Mini Indogrosir). Roto Rooter provides maintenance for pipes inside PTFI’s operational area. ”Roto-Rooter’s franchise which is owned by Anastasia Tekege has been running well for the last four years and has 67 employees on its payroll,” Woda explained

PTFI’s PP-UMKM program is also looking at other franchises including drugstores, retail shops, car repair shops, educational and entertainment businesses.